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Welcome to the world of ideas…in motion

On March 8, 2021, YouTube terminated my channel after sending me emails claiming videos I posted of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan from Saviours’ Day 2021 were in violation of their community policies. My channel had 73K+ subscribers and 14M+ views. Prior to being permanently terminated by YouTube, I was temporarily suspended a total of 7 times, between October 2020 – March 2021. I was locked out of my account and/or prohibited from posting new videos for 7 days, 14 days and also 30 days at a time.

I’ve had my number of views reduced and suppressed on several occasions. I’ve experienced having videos taken down from the platform with little to no explanation. When I appealed the last and final suspension, I received conflicting emails that actually stated I was not in violation of their terms of usage with an apology. However, my account was never re-activated.

It’s an honor to be banned for spreading TRUTH! Every knock is a boost!

So here we are. AQM Vidio ( is an independent platform, fully controlled by myself and my team, to continue facilitating and spreading the Word of God through The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation Of Islam, without interference and censoring. On this platform you will encounter 1000% Truth Trafficking, Hope Dealing and Divine Guidance – The Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

AQM Vidio is interactive and allows all videos to be shared on social media. You can sign up for a free account and subscribe to various channels, save videos to a “watch later” list, download videos, and so much more! We also have a way for you to donate and/or participate in our sponsorship levels  to aid towards this effort of independent video platforms.

My prayer is that you see the possibilities that are available and not be limited to the perimeters set by others. Enter into a world of ideas that push the boundaries.

We don’t think outside of the box. For me and my team, there is no box!

Welcome to AQM VIDIO! You may now press play…

— Abdul Qiyam Muhammad

Abdul Qiyam Muhammad | Founder

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