The Criterion: A Star Without Equal
The Criterion: A Star Without Equal
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On July 4, 2020, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan addressed the current state of affairs in America, the world, the coronavirus global pandemic and other critical subjects. Minister Farrakhan’s message, “The Criterion,” was delivered on Independence Day, which also marked the 90th anniversary of the existence of the Nation of Islam in America. It was his first public address since February.
He said, “I’m not no ordinary negro. No, hell no! He made me. That’s why you can’t find nobody like me. ‘Oh Farrakhan, you’re being arrogant.’ Hell no, I don’t like arrogance but I used to have the Crescent in my flag in my uniform. Brother Akbar is here. He knows that that Crescent was in a circle. The circle was the Sun. There was the Star and the Crescent. And I showed my uniform to Elijah Muhammad. Listen to his words. He said, “Brother, take the Crescent out of the Flag because it stands for Equality and you have no equal.” I couldn’t say that but God can. So be careful how you push me around in your head cause you’re going to pay a price for it.”
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