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Minister Louis Farrakhan Performs the Beethoven Violin Concerto
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Minister Louis Farrakhan Performs the Beethoven Violin Concerto
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May 12, 2021
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On his 88th birthday, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan celebrated the 250th birth anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven with the world premier of his performance of the Beethoven Violin Concerto.

Minister Farrakhan, The National Representative of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, turned 88 years of age on May 11th.

Minister Farrakhan originally performed the Beethoven Violin Concerto on February 13, 2002 at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts in Cerritos, California after only 7 months of preparation. According to an article that was published in The Final Call Newspaper, the concerto was performed before a crowd of nearly 1,700 during the Nation of Islam’s annual Saviours’ Day Convention that was being hosted in Los Angeles. It was dedicated as “A Musical Tribute to Humanity” and served as a fundraiser for Muhammad University of Islam in Chicago.

Why was this video premier so special? According to a musical biographical sketch of Minister Farrakhan that’s found inside his “Let’s Change The World” music box set (released in 2018), “During the second movement of his performance of Beethoven, someone pulled the fire alarm which interfered with the recording of the live performance. Mr. (Charles) Veal was present that night and wanted Minister Farrakhan to go into the studio to re-record the parts that were affected by the sound of the fire alarm.”

The audio recording of Minister Farrakhan’s performance was released on CD and is now available on multiple music platforms, yet, this was the first time that the video of Minister Farrakhan’s FULL performance was made available for the world to witness and experience.

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There are 3 comments

  1. I love this music!😍

    June 16, 2021
  2. As Salaam Alaikum Family, I am excited and loving this site, I’m thankful to Allah for allowing you to develop it. Just want you to be aware that I couldn’t hear the sound on Minister Farrakhan’s Beautiful Violins Performance. Please, when you get the time look into that.
    Sister Denise Shabazz Muhammad

    June 21, 2021
    • Walaikaum Salaam Denise,

      Please be sure to locate the sound icon (speaker) and tap to unmute. The sound controls are located in the corner of the video screen.

      For additional help, please submit a tech support ticket here.

      Thank you!

      Peace & Blessings,
      AQM Tech Ninja

      June 24, 2021

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