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Minister Farrakhan Honored Around The World
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Minister Farrakhan Honored Around The World
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February 1, 2023
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Excerpt from The Final Call Newspaper:

“Among the many honors and gifts given Min. Farrakhan because of his work by religious leaders around the world was an engraved platter from Rabbi Shlomo Mordecai Hager. He was the leader of one of the nation’s largest Hasidic (ultra-Orthodox) sects in New York State, until he passed in March 2018.

Rabbi Hager presented the Minister with a silver platter which reads: “To the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: You are the Messiah of the world and to every human who wants to be civilized. Your friend and admirer from Rabbi Shlomo Mordecai Hager.”

The Grand Mufti of Burkina Faso gave Minister Farrakhan his fez, which coincidentally fit the Minister’s head perfectly. The Sheikh of Sheikhs, sha jaar’ah, which means courage, gave the Muslim leader his cloak and his staff during an international tour. The highly respected Islamic scholar and leader Abunah Sheikh Muhammad Ahmed Al-Mahi met the Minister in the Middle East, saying he prays for the Minister 500 times a day.

In Nigeria, Minister Farrakhan was feted by the Emir of Kano, the leader of that country’s Muslim population, with an honorary “Durba,” a ceremony in which soldiers on horseback charge at full speed, spears raised as if to attack, toward the reviewing stand, stopping short, and bowing to the honored guest. Such a large ritual as the one for Minister Farrakhan has only been performed nine times in the last century, for the likes of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, and Winston Churchill, among them.”

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