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Minister Farrakhan Speaks on Supporting The Final Call Radio
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Minister Farrakhan Speaks on Supporting The Final Call Radio
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June 2, 2021
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One-hundred-twenty six countries, 975,000 listeners in the United States, and 48,000 listeners around the world. That’s how far Final Call Radio has come since first launching about a year ago.

The platform has carried the voice of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam to the nearest and furthest corners of the world, allowing more than a million people to be exposed to the Life-Giving Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad 24/7.

This “Herculean effort,” as called by Student Supreme Captain Mustapha Farrakhan, who is over the training of the men in the Nation of Islam and a son of Minister Farrakhan, was not achieved on its own. He forged the pathway to bring the platform into existence, along with Michael Saunders, a radio programmer based in Houston. Final Call Radio recently celebrated a year on air with a successful three-day radiothon fundraising event.

“Of all the sounds that are out there, don’t forget the sound of Final Call Radio. It’s the sweetest sound this side of heaven,” said Minister Farrakhan. “Continue your support of Final Call Radio. Tell your friends about it and if you support it, I want to thank you for whatever you may give to support Final Call Radio so we can keep it going … and keep it growing.”

To listen to Final Call Radio, you can find the link on You can also download the app in the Apple App Store. To make your donation, go to You can also stay up to date with Final Call Radio by following @FinalCallRadio on Twitter and Instagram.


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Saviours Day 2020 Keynote Address: The Unraveling of A Great Nation
June 2, 2021
Saviours Day 2020 Part II: Jesus Is The Key
June 2, 2021

One Comment

  1. Thank you! I pray that Master Fard Muhammad bless you and protect you. You are a great helper to our Nation and our People! Allah Is The Greatest!!!
    Thank you!! See a need, Fill a need!! You did that😊

    June 10, 2021

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