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Minister Farrakhan Speaks On Economic Freedom
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Minister Farrakhan Speaks On Economic Freedom
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June 3, 2022
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The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan On ECONOMIC Freedom, Marcus Garvey And Elijah Muhammad PLAN

Reposted from Brother Ben X YouTube Channel

Who is Brother Ben X?
Brother Ben X is an entrepreneur, investor, and author. Brother Ben X started his career in the social media industry starting off as a social media influencer documenting his journey as a serial entrepreneur, then becoming a coach/teacher after being asked so much how he accomplished what he did. By age 25 he surpassed over half a billion views online from sharing the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, taught by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and what he was applying business wise via social media. In 2020 he partnered with The ABS Firm, a financial firm that focused on life insurance which he grew to 7 figures in less than a year utilizing the strategies he teaches in Digital Real Estate. The ABS Firm business model was offline, which is now completely online from what Brother Ben X brought to the company. This gave birth to his program called Digital Real Estate which has since then produced millions of dollars and helped thousands of students grow their life, impact and sales. In 2021 Brother Ben X Co-founded a financial academy company and was a part of the marketing head that grew the brand in one year to $12M+ by the age of 27.

From there he moved to focusing on land, community development and their own technology. He and his business partner (Dr. Jake Tayler Jacobs) co-own another company: Bizco Builder, technology that’s an all in one system loaded with everything you need to run a successful business online including website builders, funnels, email marketing, appointment booking and more. He and his other business partner (Farrakhan Ali) co-founded Hereafter Farms which is a brand/company that provides a way to collectively buy land together to build real communities and grow food, since it’s inception, mid 2021 they’ve been able to acquire over 1200 acres of land with with 80+ new land owners.

He’s now transitioned to focusing more on 1 on 1 consultations after becoming a certified coach with Extreme Execution under Eric Thomas, allowing him the time to invest personal execution plans and strategies for others and their businesses to help them grow. His main focus now is Hereafter Farms, 1 on 1 Execution program and building the users of Bizco Technology, which at present are responsible for over 7 figures in yearly revenue across the various industries.

Brother Ben X has become known for his skills in scaling businesses through Digital Real Estate impact strategies, and is frequently called upon or spoken of by others for his way of impacting the world by creatively using the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad guided by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

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