Saviours Day 2021: Words from The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Saviours Day 2021: Words from The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
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On Sunday, February 28, 2021, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered this special message at Mosque Maryam following the Saviours’ Day 2021 Keynote Address delivered by his National Assistant, Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad.
“I thank Allah so much for what we have experienced these last four or five days in a virtual Saviours’ Day. I feel so honored and happy to hear the wonderful representation of Brother Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad,” said Minister Farrakhan. “I’m comforted. I’m comforted because the Teachings and how the Teachings are handled will keep the Nation thriving through the darkness of the upcoming hour. I thought that Minister Ishmael’s example was such a wonderful example for the students–to practice preparation like he does it. I’m happy–really I am. I’m satisfied that you did a wonderful job. I think those who spoke ahead of Minister Ishmael, you too did a wonderful job.”
FULL VIDEO: Saviours’ Day 2021 Keynote by Student Minister Ishmael Muhammad
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Saviours’ Day is an annual Nation of Islam commemoration of the birth of Master Fard Muhammad, the Great Madhi of the Muslims and the Messiah, of the Christians who appeared in North America on July 4, 1930 and declared that the 400 years of bondage Blacks served in America had ended. His coming and declaration fulfills many scriptures, however, perhaps most notable is fulfillment of the promise God made to Abraham that his descendants would endure bondage in a strange land among a strange people—before God Himself would deliver Abraham’s seed and judge the nation they served. Master Fard Muhammad was born February 26, 1877 in the Holy City of Mecca.
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