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The Announcement: Minister Farrakhan Speaks On His More Than A Vision Experience
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The Announcement: Minister Farrakhan Speaks On His More Than A Vision Experience
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September 17, 2021
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On September 17, 1985, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan had a vision-like experience in a tiny town in Mexico called Tepoztlan. Here is an excerpt of the International Press Conference held on October 24, 1989, at J.W. Marriott Hotel (Washington, D.C.) where he gave ‘The Announcement’, detailing what took place and what was revealed to him that night.

You may learn more about The Wheel, as taught by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, by visiting the below resources:

‘The Wheel’ – That Great Mother Plane: Allah’s (God’s) Calling Card

The Wheel’ (That Great Mother Plane) –One of Its Two Natures is ‘Death’

The Great War

The Time and what must be done lecture series: The Wheel

The Criterion: July 2020 Baby Planes

Farrakhan and The Wheel – Part 1

Farrakhan and The Wheel – Part 2

Final Chapter: Farrakhan’s Visit To The Wheel

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The TRUTH ABOUT THE Great Mother Wheel: The Two Natures Of The Wheel—Life And Death, Blessing Or Cursing

‘The Wheel’ (That Great Mother Plane) -The Power of The Wheel to Destroy

Min. Farrakhan, the Mother Wheel and Fulfillment of Ezekiel’s Vision

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The Truth Is Being Revealed: Don’t Be Misled

UFOs And The Nation of Islam: The Source, Proof, And Reality of The Wheels


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