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Do Not Give Up. You Can Make It Through!
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Do Not Give Up. You Can Make It Through!
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May 28, 2022
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War Of Armageddon 189/281

“These are the three tests that Allah (God) has given to each of us as proof of our worthiness to face and overcome all the struggles of life: 1) a hostile environment; 2) overcoming overwhelming odds; 3) pulling up against the force of gravity. No person or people become great having an easy time. Most of you think that if Allah (God) loves you, you are supposed to have life on a silver platter. Allah (God), and life, does not work that way. We must get away from that old, ignorant way of thinking. Allah (God) has ordained struggle for all living things. Man has struggled to conquer the hostile environment of the jungle, and he has. Man has struggled to conquer the hostile environment of the desert, and he has. Man has struggled to conquer the oceans and its depths, struggled to conquer mountains, and he has. Man struggled to conquer the hostile environment of space. Nothing remains in the path of man who is resolved or determined to succeed. If we conquered the most hostile of environments of life before we had a developed intelligence, what should we be able to do now that we are developing a higher degree of intelligence?” –The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Quote from message delivered on Nov. 19, 1978 at the National Conference of Black Lawyers:

Video Clip from message delivered at Cook County Jail in Chicago on October 16, 1997


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May 28, 2022
Minister Farrakhan Speaks On Economic Freedom
May 28, 2022

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