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How Jesus Wanted His Disciples To Govern
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How Jesus Wanted His Disciples To Govern
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July 10, 2022
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War Of Armageddon 195/281

God’s House Governed by God’s Law: Minister Farrakhan and Executive Council of the NOI on WVON

(Source: CHICAGO—Nation of Islam history was made on a historic Black radio station as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the 13-Member Shura Executive Council of the Nation of Islam (NOI) appeared on the WVON 1690AM Morning Show with host Eddie Reed. It was an opportunity and occasion to introduce and present the Council—all appointed by Min. Farrakhan—to the Black community and the world.

Min. Farrakhan thanked Mr. Reed, a longtime Chicago activist and freedom fighter, for extending an invitation to the show. The Minister explained the function and duty of the Executive Council and the importance of governance and law that is in accordance and alignment with Allah (God) and based on love.

“We always think of law as something that confines us, and it does. But Jesus represented law at the highest manifestation when he said, ‘Love God first.’ And that is the first cardinal principle of the Executive Council and the members of the Nation of Islam. We love Allah (God) first with all of our hearts, soul, mind and strength. We pledge allegiance to nothing or no one, but God. We respect the flag of the nation in which we live. We honor that flag. And we honor the independent people who are the former slave masters of our fathers, but we do not wish to govern as they govern. We do not wish to govern and guide our people as White America would make us and has made us into themselves,” explained Min. Farrakhan.

This group of highly qualified individuals is tasked by Min. Farrakhan with governing the affairs of the Nation of Islam based on the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

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Minister Farrakhan Gives A Message To Youth
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